Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay example --
Dalam kehidupan manusia dan dalam dunia matematik, kemahiran membuat anggaran adalah satu kemahiran yang amat penting. Seringkali kita perlu membuat anggaran tentang nilai-nilai di dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Ini termasuklah anggaran tentang duit, masa, jarak, berat dan sebagainya. Pembundaran adalah sejenis anggaran. Berdasarkan kepada kepentingan pembundaran dalam kehidupan seharian, maka amat wajar dan perlu strategi-strategi pembundaran nombor diajar di sekolah rendah lagi. Menbundarkan nombor adalah satu cara untuk mengganggar satu nombor bulat kepada digit tempat terdekat. Selain itu, pembundaran juga berperanan sebagai semakan kepada kemunasabahan kiraan yang tepat seperti ketika kita membuat sesuatu kiraan, kita perlu membuat anggarannya dahulu. Ia juga dapat membantu dalam kehidupan seharian kerana kebanyakan nombor-nombor yang ada di dalam bacaan adalah tidak tepat. Ia juga membantu untuk mengingat angka yang panjang dan besar. Pembundaran ini juga membantu murid berfi kir dan celik akal dan menghubungkan pengetahuan sedia ada. Secara tidak langsung, murid dapat mengembangkan bahasa, mudah berkomunikasi dengan rakan sebaya, guru, dan masyarakat. Murid juga akan termotivasi untuk berfikir bagi menyelesaikan masalah. Ia juga dapat membantu menganalisa situasi terutama sekiranya terdapat tawaran diskaun harga barangan di pasaraya-pasaraya. Murid akan belajar membuat keputusan dengan cepat, menggalakkan murid mengembangkan pemikiran berasas nombor dan memberi makna kepada pengiraan yang dibuat sekaligus membantu murid lebih konsisten dengan berdikari dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Secara tidak langsung, ia meningkatkan lagi perkembangan kognitif dalam perkembangan individu supaya lebih cepat menyelesaikan ... ...ecara mental.Murid-murid juga akan tahu bagaimana membundarkan kepada nilai anggaran berdasarkan nilai tempat dan pengetahuan berguna ini boleh mereka gunakan di dalam kehidupan seharian mereka sebenarnya.Pada pendapat saya, da lam pendidikan matematik, guru perlu arif dalam strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dapat memupuk murid membina konsep dan menguasai kemahiran di samping menghayatinya dalam kehidupan seharian. Guru matematik perlu memaparkan sifat-sifat yang matang, berfikiran terbuka, kreatif, inovatif, konstruktif, rasional dan bijaksana (Nik Azis, 1996). Pengajaran matematik yang berkesan akan menghasilkan pembelajaran matematik yang mudah dan menyeronokkan. Oleh yang demikian, pengetahuan tentang isi kandungan, kaedah mengajar (pedagogi), dan gaya pembelajaran murid (psikologi) mestilah dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh para pendidik matematik.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting the Role of Women in Things Fall Apart and He
Role of Women in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness Women were one time brusque more than slaves to their male betters. Some women might have been respected, but their places were limited to roles as wives and bewilders. They might rule a home, but were not believed level-headed enough for any other role. This chauvinistic attitude is well reflected in the novels Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, and Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad. In Things Fall Apart, women are praised in their capacities as wives and mothers, almost revered really. In many instances, Achebe paints glowing pictures of them in these roles. Anasi was a middle aged woman, tall and strongly built. There was authority in her bearing and she looked every inch the ruler of the womenfolk in a large and prosperous family (Achebe 20). Anasis role as Nwakibies first wife is obviously one of outstanding respect and she is regarded nearly as a queen. She presides over the other wives of her husband and keep s them under control and peaceful. Because she does a good job, she is highly regarded as a woman. Also, Ani play a greater part in the life of the people than any other deity. She was the ultimate judge of morality and conduct (Achebe 36). This quote may be surprising to the reader at first that men might worship a female goddess, but it fits with feminine roles in the Ibo society. Women are often entrusted with contribute morality in their children and governing their conduct. A female goddess will remind men to uphold their morals and mind their conduct, much the way a mother would her child. Again, there is the valued role of a mother for a woman. She will be admired and cherished for that, but little else. Outside the roles of mother and w... ...orld, this is a sad attitude. Worldwide, women have it even worse. In Africa and parts of Asia today women are still as they were in Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart. They hold little power, are married to produce children, and are no much better than slaves. Achebe and Conrad, though indriectly, have painted a pitiful picture of the role of women in certain societies. In both novels, societies run by men eventually turn evil and fall apart. The admired war-like men come to destroy their lives and that of those or so them. Well, perhaps it is time to give the women, the guardians of morality and conduct, a chance to run things. Maybe then there will be some peace on earth. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Greenwich Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1959. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. London Penguin Books, 1989.
Exemplification Essay: America Needs Leaders :: Exemplification Essays, Argumentative
Today, everyone is too concerned with the now to worry about the future. Of course, t here(predicate) are a few who scrimp and save a few dollars here and there so that they will have some when they retire. However, none represent the ideas or beliefs that are destined to change our society. So I ask you are all the idealists gone, or are they just too scared to stand up? Throughout the course of invoice there have always been those who took a stand against society in order to further their cause. One example of this is Galileo facing the Inquisition of the Catholic Church due to his deep-seated belief in the heliocentric universe. His willingness to face all odds is what made so many become believers in his theory. Galileo did not back down, instead he chose to stand and play off for something he considered right. This is an admirable trait however, he was not the only one. In our most recent selection The Communist Manifesto we are given a glimpse into on e of the most renowned idealists ever Karl Marx. His ability to stick to his guns regardless of the outcome is what won millions to his cause. Even though he said that at his demolition he was ...the best hated and most calumniated man of his own time, he still made millions believers of a simple idea. An idea, a way of life which hitherto he felt would be extremely hard to attain. These men are not the only ones, there are many more throughout history Newton who taught us about gravity, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry who helped to found our country, and Einstein who revolutionized the way we look at the universe. The point however is to not consent these people in esteem, it is to find how they relate to our society and our time. Who today professes any kind of ideal which they are willing to fight and die for. Some may think politicians bring this kind of faith with their ideas, their promises for a better America.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Deforestation of The Pacific Northwest Essay -- Environmental Endanger
Deforestation of the peace-loving Northwest One of the more or less controversial argonas associated with the global puzzleof deforestation is the Pacific Northwest of the US. The problem can be brokendown into several issues that all tie in together. These include the nearextinction of the Northern spotty Owl, the business aspect of logging versusthe environmental aspect, and the role of the government in this problem. In 1973, the Endangered Species operate (ESA) was passed. This enabled theDept. of Commerce and Dept. of the Interior to place species, either land ormarine, as either scuppered or endangered. Under these terms species could nolonger be hunted, collected, injured or killed. The northern spotted automobile horn fallsunder the more serious condition of being endangered. Also, the bill forbidsfederal agencies to fund or carry out any activity that would threa cristal thespecies or its habitat. It is the latter part of the bill that causes thecontroversy. Under the ESA, loggers should not be allowed to cut down the erstwhile(a)- harvest-home of the forest. The old growth of a forest includes the largest andoldest trees, lifetime or dead. In the case of the North glide forests, thisincludes some thousand-year-old stands with heights above three-hundred feet anddiameters of more than ten feet. In 1990, the number of spotted car horns dropped to 2000 breeding pairs. Thepreservation of any species contri andes to the biodiversity of an area. In anecosystem, the absence of one species creates unfavorable conditions for the separates. The absence of the spotted owl could have a significant effect on theNorth Coast forest ecosystem. In order to send the owl population in the rightdirection, the major problem for their decline would have to be remedied lossof habitat. This occurrence combined with the owls short life expectancy and late ageof breeding only exacerbates the problem. When loggers remove old growth theowl loses habitat for its food, housing, as head as protection from predators.Approximately ninety percent of the forests in the Pacific Northwest havealready been harvested. In order to protect the current owl population, theremaining forests would have to be preserved, further this would have a seriousnegative economical effect. such(prenominal) a decision would effect jobs, regional economy,as well as the lifestyle of loggers. With such a... ...siness. In some cases, the money subsidizes the largecompanies for things such as logging roads in order to reenforcement the cost of paperand other tree products down. These same companies ship their lumber to Japanfor milling originally they are sold back to the United States at a higher price.Not only does the public lose money in this process but it costs Americans anumber of jobs. On the other hand, agencies have made efforts to preventdeforestation. Members of the Forest Service educate not only the largecompanies, but the private landowners as well. It is the private owners who own 60 percent if the forests being harvested. By helping to show howconservative forestry techniques can be made cost-efficient as well as moreprofitable, they are helping to diminish the rate of deforestation. If moremoney was spent on research and the spread of modernistic and soften techniques, thenthe taxpayers money would be better spent. In conclusion, there are severalaspects of deforestation in the Pacific Northwest that need to be evaluatedbefore the situation becomes irreversible. If the current harvesting techniquescontinue, our children will be missing more than the spotted owl. Deforestation of The Pacific Northwest Essay -- Environmental Endanger Deforestation of the Pacific Northwest One of the most controversial areas associated with the global problemof deforestation is the Pacific Northwest of the US. The problem can be brokendown into several issues that all tie in together. These include the nearextincti on of the Northern Spotted Owl, the business aspect of logging versusthe environmental aspect, and the role of the government in this problem. In 1973, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed. This enabled theDept. of Commerce and Dept. of the Interior to place species, either land ormarine, as either threatened or endangered. Under these terms species could nolonger be hunted, collected, injured or killed. The northern spotted owl fallsunder the more serious condition of being endangered. Also, the bill forbidsfederal agencies to fund or carry out any activity that would threaten thespecies or its habitat. It is the latter part of the bill that causes thecontroversy. Under the ESA, loggers should not be allowed to cut down the old-growth of the forest. The old growth of a forest includes the largest andoldest trees, living or dead. In the case of the North Coast forests, thisincludes some thousand-year-old stands with heights above three-hundred feet anddiameters of more th an ten feet. In 1990, the number of spotted owls dropped to 2000 breeding pairs. Thepreservation of any species contributes to the biodiversity of an area. In anecosystem, the absence of one species creates unfavorable conditions for theothers. The absence of the spotted owl could have a significant effect on theNorth Coast forest ecosystem. In order to send the owl population in the rightdirection, the major problem for their decline would have to be remedied lossof habitat. This fact combined with the owls short life expectancy and late ageof breeding only exacerbates the problem. When loggers remove old growth theowl loses habitat for its food, housing, as well as protection from predators.Approximately ninety percent of the forests in the Pacific Northwest havealready been harvested. In order to protect the current owl population, theremaining forests would have to be preserved, but this would have a seriousnegative economical effect. Such a decision would effect jobs, regi onal economy,as well as the lifestyle of loggers. With such a... ...siness. In some cases, the money subsidizes the largecompanies for things such as logging roads in order to keep the cost of paperand other tree products down. These same companies ship their lumber to Japanfor milling before they are sold back to the United States at a higher price.Not only does the public lose money in this process but it costs Americans anumber of jobs. On the other hand, agencies have made efforts to preventdeforestation. Members of the Forest Service educate not only the largecompanies, but the private landowners as well. It is the private owners who ownsixty percent if the forests being harvested. By helping to show howconservative forestry techniques can be made efficient as well as moreprofitable, they are helping to diminish the rate of deforestation. If moremoney was spent on research and the spread of new and better techniques, thenthe taxpayers money would be better spent. In conclusion , there are severalaspects of deforestation in the Pacific Northwest that need to be evaluatedbefore the situation becomes irreversible. If the current harvesting techniquescontinue, our children will be missing more than the spotted owl.
Essay --
There is an old saying that claims that it is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one. While some choose to follow unjust traditions, others choose to pursue the path of justice. In Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird, the mockingbird is a token of innocence that should never be killed It is harmless and provides a song for the enjoyment of others. Furthermore, three characters from the novel are considered symbolic mockingbirds. Boo Radley, not convicted of any palpable charges, has f totallyen into a trap of rumors that have gone around the town. Tom Robinson is accused of raping a white woman with no substantial evidence proving him guilty. He is shot down while trying to escape prison. Lastly, Scout, the narrator of the book, is an innocent five-year-old girl. As the novel progresses, she starts to witness racial prejudice which is something that no minor should puzzle in contact with during her childhood. By exposing their innocent natures, we se e how Boo, Tom Robinson and Scout are the mockingbirds in this novel.In reality, Boo has done nothing wrong. His confinement began when he, on with some other people, had played a prank and gotten into some trouble with the law. Later in his life, a rumor is spread that he had stabbed his father with scissors. forced to stay in the house for his behavior, Boo becomes the center of gossip and rumors that spread throughout the town. He did not do did any of the things of which he was accused instead, all he wanted to accomplish was to befriend Jem and Scout. He left them gifts in the oak tree. Scout complains to Jem, Ive been chewin it all afternoon and I aint dead yet, not even sick (45). Jem is completely astonished when he discovers that Scout took the ... ... newspaper editor, despises negroes yet supports Tom Robinson Mr. Underwood simply figured it was a sin to kill cripples, be they standing, sitting or escaping. He likened Toms death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children(323). Even though it is transparent that Mr. Underwood does not like negroes, he writes about the injustice done upon Tom Robinson. Similar to killing a mockingbird, Tom is killed for a crime he had never committed and harm that he had never brought.Scout is one of the most innocent people in this book. During the course of this book, she goes through events and experiences, that no child should ever witness at a young age. On one hand, her father Atticus, is trying to teach her to live moral life and make the right decisions. On the other hand however, she is open to influences of a town filled with racism and prejudice.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Human Genome Project :: essays research papers
It all started back in 1953 with two men by the names of crowd D. Watson and Francis Crick when they discovered thedouble-helical structure of DNA. Little did they know they wereopening the door to the creation of a perfect world. In 1986,the Human Genome Project, led up by the National Institution ofHealth(NIH), took a giant leap through this door. They began thelong process of mapping out the entire genetic makeup of thehuman body. The important purpose of the HGP was primitively for theuse of preventing inherent diseases. However, as studiescontinue to progress, increased opportunities arise forgenetically altering the unborn. You are now able to choose the perk up of you child before they are born with great accuracy. Whatis on the horizon now, is the possibility of designing your childto be &8220perfect. Over the years, there has been heated, ethical dispute on each of these issues, especially designer babies. How far will we let biotechnological discovery take us? Whatwill c ome of the world if designer babies conk standardprocedure?The earliest and maybe simplest use of genetic manipulationwas in the selection of the sex of an unborn child. In VitroFertilization(IVF - A procedure in which a woman&8217s eggs areremoved from her body, fertilized outside using sperm from herhusband or another donor, and then transferred back to her body.)was originally limited to couples that were infertile. Even theuse of IVF for the infertile was unheard of at one point. &8220Butgrowing demand makes it socially acceptable, and now anybodywho&8217s infertile demands IVF, says lee(prenominal) Silver, a PrincetonUniversity biologist. Several years ago, fertility clinicsannounced the new possibility of sex selection. It was obviouslyan exciting breakthrough, but when these clinics were inquiredabout their results, they only had about a 50 percent successrate. &8220Its affluent clients could have achieved exactly the sameoutcome by leaving a note for the tooth fairy, reque sting a girlor a boy(Riddell). In the same way, there were many who wereopposed to the idea at first especially with the results theywere getting, but over time the procedures have been aboutperfected and it has become socially acceptable.(Lemonick)Many issues have arisen from the possibilities sex selectionwill provide. In cultures where males are valued more thangirls, such as china and India, assured sex selection couldreally throw off an already out of balance society. In theUnited States it may not be as likely for there to be a favoredsex, generally speaking. In our case, it is more of a weighted
Monday, May 27, 2019
Cannes Film Festival and Mr. Bean
They headed into a bay full of yacht because one of the survivors owns a key of his yacht in that bay. It wasnt easy to master in on that point because you cannot almost cross the roads near the mall because all zombies are around the buses. They have lost a lot of people. They were equal to puddle into the bay but only four made it. They sailed until they reached an island. They were attacked by another bunch of zombies and all of them died. Mr.. Bean won a prize in a raffle. It was a trip too beach in France with some pocket money and a video camera.He started the trip on a instill station and all his misfortunes have started. He lost his money, passport and his luggage. He caught himself with Stephan, Emails son who is a movie critic in Cannes Film Festival, leaving the devise unintentionally. A lot of misfortunes happened to Bean until he was helped by Sabine, an actress in a movie that will premiere in Cannes. They get into the event and Bean, together with Stephan, cloak ed to get inside the building. The movie seems to be boring so Bean used his video camera to replace the movie with his own video along his trip.The audience were entertained but the director was poised so he, together with the guards, chased Bean but wasnt able to get him. Bean unintentionally went in front of the stage and he was applauded together with the director, taking the advantage because they loved the directors film. Bean went outside and was finally able to get to his destination, French Riviera. HOSTEL dissolve Ill Carter decided to have a bachelors party for Scott in Lass Vegas. They met their other friend in there together with the girls Carter paid for Scott.They got drunk and he next day, one of their friends is lost together with Nikkei, one of the girls that they were with last night. They investigated and went to the places where they possibly are. They saw Kinder, scratchs friend, and told them that her friend is missing. They didnt know that they are dead alr eady because of the secret brass section for gambling by using human as their medium for betting by killing them. Coots friends were caught and Carter revealed he was a member of the secret organization.Scott was strapped on a chair and Carter enters the arena in front of the other members f the organization and there Carter revealed that he wants Coots girlfriend. They fought and Scott escaped causing a panic all oer the building. Carter was able to escape with a car, leaving Scott in the compound behind the locked gate and the building exploded. Carter went to Coots girlfriend and said he was sad for Coots death. She told Carter that Scott is not heretofore dead and then Scott appeared and killed Carter in the garage?Nick decided to have a new house for his family specifically for his pregnant wife. They bought the house from Chuck and there Nick hired the guy to fix the house because they found molds in the house. Instead of getting it repaired, Chuck destroyed the house and Ni ck got angry and discharged Chuck. He decided to fix the house on his own but it wasnt easy for him. At the same time, his family was a bit angry to him because of the misery they had. Nick apologized to Chuck and hired him again. This time, Chuck really fixed the house. He helped Nicks wife when she was laboring.After six months, Nick launches his magazine in front of his beautiful house and they ad a party afterwards. UNIVERSAL SOLDIER Devoured and Coots corpses were used for the Universal Soldier program to develop a perfect soldier for combat. They were first tested in a hostage taking in a nearby dam. Veronica, a former reporter, wants to know about the programs secret to get her Job back. She was able to get inside the compound where the soldiers are and discovered that they were some sort of a robot. She was caught by Scott but he was helped by Devoured to escape. Scott chased the two to kill them go with by his fellow Unisons.Coots group was killed but hes still determined to kill them. They had a car chase. Coots truck fell into the cliff. Devoured get his memory back and returned stead with Veronica. Scott gets into the house and fought Devoured. He cant do anything because Scott was overpowering him but was able to fight back because he used the muscle enhancer that he stole from Scott. He killed Scott and was able to save his parents and Veronica. Principles Of Literary Criticism (Five Movie Plots and Synopsis) Submitted by Michael Gee C. Stroller ABE Submitted to Mr.. Jose V. Cultural
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Gender Issues and Roles Essay
gender refers to the complaisantly constructed component parts, mien, causeivities and attri alonees that a particular society considers appropriate for workforce and wo men. It is a basic organizing principle of society that shapes how we think well-nigh ourselves and guides how we interact with others. The distinct roles and behavior may give rise to gender inequalities, i. e. differences between men and women that systematic ally favor one group. There are differences between the agitatees in that men weigh to a greater extent than women and consider at more muscle. Women out(p)per radiation pattern men in whatsoever test of long term endurance and life expectancy.However, biologically, the sexes differ in limited ways with neither one naturally superior. Origin of Gender roles The root of all gender issues which presently exist in society may be traced back to The Creation Story in Genesis. This crucial chapter of the record book allow fors evidence supporting that God intended for man and woman to exist as equals, further he assigned gender roles once Adam and even disobeyed him by eating the fruit from the forbidden tree of good and evil. olibanum, men have been characterized as the breadwinners and women as child bearers and housekeepers since the beginning of humanity.Men and women have been confine in certain roles since the beginning of time, and have always had a powerfulness struggle between them. Gender issues have non evolved over time they have always existed. Partriarchy and Sexism Partriarchy literally means rule of fathers. Conceptions of gender vary everywhere in the world and we find some degree partriarchy. Sexism is the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other and is built into the institutions of society. Sexism stunts the talents and limits the ambitions of the human population who are women.Masculinity condescends with a high price as it calls for men to use in umteen high-risk behaviors, including usi ng tobacco and alcohol, participating in animal(prenominal)ly dangerous sports, and driving recklessly. It is also closely linked not only to accidents but to suicide, violence and stress-related diseases. As men seek control over others, they opportunities for intimacy and trust. In general men have more social resources than women. Martriarchy is a form of social organization in which fe phallics dominate males. Although there is no clear case of matriarchy, womens power stern rival that of men.Many societies count among their historical heroes at least one brave woman warrior or leader, but few are as reviled as the Kikuyu Wangu wa Makeri. Appointed as the fling of Weithaga, in Muranga district, by the colonialists, Makeris legacy is as a woman who made hell for the men of her tribe, wreaking revenge and sewing humiliation for the gender roles she had tough out of. Born in 1856, according to Nairobi University historian Mary W Wanyoike, Makeris rise to fame came relatively late in her life, when, in 1901 she was ordained as the head of her district.The elevation of a woman to such a position of power was unheard of in those days. Wangu, however, embraced the position with vigour. Tales abound of her demeaning men, ride on their backs on all fours, taking five-fold lovers among them one Karuri Gakure and being very far from an attractive woman. Certainly, such behaviour was anathema in archeozoic 20th Century Kikuyu culture. In those days, once men had paid the dowry on the women they were to marry, the women were considered their property. Women might be disgruntled, but they were expected to be silent victims.Thus when Wangu superwoman Makeri got power, she felt it her personal mission to avenge for the exploited women. Her zeal, however, quickly made her a hate figure for men, as did her tendency to overstep the boundary of leadership. soon enough she held on to power for a remarkable 35 years. In the end, what lead to her downfall and death , was the brewing conflict between the Kikuyu and British colonialists. From around 1910, colonial thorniness was budding. The Kikuyus who later formed the Mau Mau saw Wangu Wa Makeri as a proxy for colonialists. They instigated a rebellion against oth the colonialists and her. With her support thinning, her back-riding tenure ended unceremoniously. Yet her reputation for multiple lovers and a passion to domineer the male species, is still used as a weapon today in the gender war, driving accusations that any women who loves power and money is of her line, and setting up a horror figure that no good Kikuyu women would wish to be associated with. In time, it seems, hers is one story that may yet be retold. In preindustrial societies, women have little control over pregnancy and childbirth, which limits the scope of their lives.Similarly, mens greater height and sensual height and physical strength are highly valued resources. But industrialization gives mickle choices about(pred icate) how to live. Today, then, in societies like our own, biological differences provide little justification for partriachy. accepted or not, male dominance still holds. few sociologists claim that biological factors wire the sexes with divers(prenominal) motivations and behaviours, specifically more aggressiveness in males. Most sociologists, however, accept that gender is primarily a social construction that can be changed.Gender Socialization From birth until death, human feelings, thoughts and actions reflect the social as different kinds of human beings. By age tree, they incorporate gender into their identities by applying societys standards to themselves. Just as gender affects how we think of ourselves, so it teaches us to act in normative ways. Gender roles are attitudes and activities that society links to each sex. Male female differences Most of the differences between men and women turn out to be socially created.However there are some differences in physical ab ility between the sexes such as, on average, males are 10 percent taller, 20 percent heavier and 30 percent stronger, especially in their upper bodies. On the other hand, women outperform men in life expectancy. In adolescence, males immortalise greater mathematical ability, whereas adolescent females excel in verbal skills a difference that reflects both biology and socialization. Research points no overall differences in intelligence between males and females. Biologically then, men and women differ in limited ways, neither one being naturally superior.Sex and the body At birth, females and males are distinguished by primary sex characteristics, namely the genital organs used to reproduce the human species. At puberty, humans exhibit secondary sex characteristics, whereby bodily development, unconnected from the genitals, that distinguishes biologically mature females and males. To accommodate pregnancy, giving birth, and nurturing infants, adolescent females develop wider hips, breasts and soft fatty tissue, thereby providing a reserve supply of nutrition for pregnancy and breast-feeding. childlike males, usually slightly taller and heavier than females from birth, typically develop more muscle in the upper body, more extensive body hair and deeper voices. intimate penchant Sexual preference refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or versed attractions to men, women, or both sexes. Sexual preference also refers to a persons sense of individualism element based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions.Research over several decades has demonstrated that cozy orientation ranges on a continuum, from exclusive attraction to the other sex to exclusive attraction to the same sex. However, cozy orientation is usually discussed in terms of three categories straight person (having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of the other sex), intrepid/lesbian (having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of ones own sex), and bisexual (having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to both men and women). This range of behaviors and attractions has been described in various cultures and nations throughout the world.Many cultures use identity labels to describe people who express these attractions. The most frequent labels are lesbians (women attracted to women), homophile men (men attracted to men), and bisexual people (men or women attracted to both sexes).. Sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex (the anatomical, physiological, and genetic characteristics associated with being male or female), gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female) and social gender role (the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior).Sexual orientation is commonly discussed as if it were solely a characteristic of an individual, like biological sex , gender identity, or age. This perspective is incomplete because sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others. People express their sexual orientation through behaviors with others, including such simple actions as holding hands or kissing. Thus, sexual orientation is closely tied to the intimate personal relationships that meet deeply felt needs for love, attachment, and intimacy.In addition to sexual behaviors, these bonds include nonsexual physical affection between partners, shared goals and values, mutual support, and ongoing commitment. Therefore, sexual orientation is not merely a personal characteristic within an individual. Rather, ones sexual orientation defines the group of people in which one is likely to find the satisfying and fulfilling romantic relationships that are an essential component of personal identity for many people. How people know their Sexual orientation?According to current scientific and professional understanding, the core attr actions that form the basis for adult sexual orientation typically emerge between middle childhood and early adolescence. These patterns of emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction may arise without any prior sexual experience. People can be celibate and still know their sexual orientation-be it lesbian, gay, bisexual, or heterosexual. Different lesbian, gay, and bisexual people have very different experiences regarding their sexual orientation. some people know that they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual for a long time forward they actually pursue relationships with other people. Some people engage in sexual activity (with same-sex and/or other-sex partners) before assigning a clear label to their sexual orientation. Prejudice and discrimination defecate it difficult for many people to come to terms with their sexual orientation identities, so claiming a lesbian, gay, or bisexual identity may be a slow butt against. What role do damage and discrimination play in the lives of les bian, gay, and bisexual people?Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people see to it extensive prejudice, discrimination, and violence because of their sexual orientation. Intense prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people was widespread throughout much of the 20th century. Public opinion studies over the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s routinely showed that, among large segments of the public, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people were the target of strongly held ostracise attitudes. More recently, public opinion has increasingly opposed sexual orientation discrimination, but expressions of hostility toward lesbians and gay men stick around common in contemporary American society.Prejudice against bisexuals appears to exist at comparable levels. In fact, bisexual individuals may face discrimination from some lesbian and gay people as well as from heterosexual people. Sexual orientation discrimination takes many formsSevere antigay prejudice is reflected in the high rate of agony and v iolence directed toward lesbian, gay. Numerous surveys indicate that verbal harassment and abuse are nearly universal experiences among lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Also, discrimination against lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in employment and housing appears to remain widespread.The HIV/AIDS pandemic is another area in which prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay, and bisexual people have had negative effects. Early in the pandemic, the assumption that HIV/AIDS was a gay disease contributed to the delay in addressing the massive social upheaval that AIDS would generate. ethereal and bisexual men have been disproportionately affected by this disease. The association of HIV/AIDS with gay and bisexual men and the inaccurate belief that some people held that all gay and bisexual men were infected served to further stigmatize lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.What is the psychological impact of prejudice and discrimination? On the social level, prejudice and discrimi nation against lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are reflected in theeveryday stereotypes of members of these groups. These stereotypes persist even though they are not supported by evidence, and they are oft used to excuse unequal treatment of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. For example, limitations on job opportunities, parenting, and relationship recognition are often justified by stereotypic assumptions about lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.On an individual level, such prejudice and discrimination may also have negative consequences, especially if lesbian, gay, and bisexual people attempt to veil or deny their sexual orientation. Although many lesbians and gay men learn to cope with the social stigma against homosexuality, this pattern of prejudice can have grave negative effects on wellness and well-being. Individuals and groups may have the impact of stigma reduced or worsened by other characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, religion, or disability. Some lesbian, gay , and bisexual people may face less of a stigma.For others, race, sex, religion, disability, or other characteristics may exacerbate the negative impact of The widespread prejudice, discrimination, and violence to which lesbians and gay men are often subjected are significant intellectual health concerns. Sexual prejudice, sexual orientation discrimination, and antigay violence are major(ip) sources of stress for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Although social support is crucial in coping with stress, antigay attitudes and discrimination may make it difficult for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people to find such support No, lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations are not disorders.Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotype s that stage lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and intellectual health organizations in this surface area to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience.Lesbian, gay, and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder. What is coming out and why is it important? The phrase coming out is used to refer to several aspects of lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons experiences self-awareness of same-sex attractions the telling of one or a few people about these attractions widespread disclosure of same-sex attractions and identification with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community.Many people hesitate to come out because of the risks of meeting prejudice and discrimination. Some choose to keep their identity a secret some choose to come out in limited circumstances some decide to come out in very public ways. Coming out is often an important psychological step for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. Research has shown that feeling positively about ones sexual orientation and integrating it into ones life fosters greater well-being and mental health. This integration often involves disclosing ones identity to others it may also entail participating in the gay community.Being able to discuss ones sexual orientation with others also increases the availability of social support, which is crucial to mental health and psychological well-being. Like heterosexuals, lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people benefit from being able to share their lives with and fit support from family, friends, and acquaintances. Thus, it is not surprising that lesbians and gay men who feel they must conceal their sexual orientation report more frequent mental health concerns than do lesbians and gay men who are more open they may even have mo re physical health problems.What about sexual orientation and coming out during adolescence? Adolescence is a period when people separate from their parents and families and begin to develop autonomy. Adolescence can be a period of experimentation, and many youths may head word their sexual feelings. Becoming aware of sexual feelings is a normal developmental task of adolescence. Sometimes adolescents have same-sex feelings or experiences that cause confusion about their sexual orientation. This confusion appears to decline over time, with different outcomes for different individuals.Some adolescents desire and engage in same-sex behavior but do not identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, sometimes because of the stigma associated with a nonheterosexual orientation. Some adolescents experience continuing feelings of same-sex attraction but do not engage in any sexual activity or may engage in heterosexual behavior for varying lengths of time. Because of the stigma associated with sa me-sex attractions, many youths experience same-sex attraction for many years before becoming sexually active with partners of the same sex or disclosing their attractions to others.For some young people, this process of exploring same-sex attractions leads to a lesbian, gay, or bisexual identity. For some, acknowledging this identity can give an end to confusion. When these young people receive the support of parents and others, they are often able to live satisfying and healthy lives and move through the usual process of adolescent development. The younger a person is when she or he acknowledges a nonheterosexual identity, the fewer internal and external resources she or he is likely to have.Therefore, youths who come out early are particularly in need of support from parents and others. Young people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual may be more likely to face certain problems, including being bullied and having negative experiences in school. These experiences are associ ated with negative outcomes, such as suicidal thoughts, and high-risk activities, such as unshielded sex and alcohol and drug use. On the other hand, many lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths appear to experience no greater level of health or mental health risks.Where problems occur, they are closely associated with experiences of bias and discrimination in their environments. Support from important people in the teens life can provide a very supporterful counterpart to bias and discrimination. Support in the family, at school, and in the broader society helps to reduce risk and assist healthy development. jejuneness need caring and support, appropriately high expectations, and the encouragement to participate actively with peers.Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth who do well despite stresslike all adolescents who do well despite stresstend to be those who are socially competent, who have good problem-solving skills, who have a sense of autonomy and purpose, and who look forward to t he future. In a related vein, some young people are presumed to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual because they dont abide by traditional gender roles (i. e. , the cultural beliefs about what is appropriate masculine and feminine appearance and behavior).Whether these youths identify as heterosexual or as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, they encounter prejudice and discrimination based on the presumption that they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual. The best support for these young people is school and social climates that do not tolerate discriminatory language and behavior. What can people do to diminish prejudice and discrimination against lesbian,gay,and bisexual people? Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people who want to help reduce prejudice and discrimination can be open about their sexual orientation, even as they take necessary precautions to be as base hit as possible.They can examine their own belief systems for the presence of antigay stereotypes. They can make use of the lesbian, gay, and b isexual communityas well as positive heterosexual peoplefor support. Heterosexual people who wish to help reduce prejudice and discrimination can examine their own response to antigay stereotypes and prejudice. They can make a point of coming to know lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, and they can work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals and communities to combat prejudice and discrimination.Heterosexual individuals are often in a good position to ask other heterosexual people to consider the prejudicial or discriminatory nature of their beliefs and actions. Heterosexual allies can encourage nondiscrimination policies that include sexual orientation. They can work to make coming out safe. When lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people feel free to make public their sexual orientation, heterosexuals are given an opportunity to have personal contact with openly gay people and to perceive them as individuals.Studies of prejudice, including prejudice against gay people, consistent ly show that prejudice declines when members of the majority group interact with members of a minority group. In keeping with this general pattern, one of the most powerful influences on heterosexuals acceptance of gay people is having personal contact with an openly gay person. Antigay attitudes are far less common among members of the population who have a close friend or family member who is lesbian or gay, especially if the gay person has directly come out to the heterosexual person.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Review of the Amazing Spider-Man Movie
The Amazing Spider-Man Review I have always enjoyed follow through films. I would state that this fact does make me somewhat biased for this review. Fictional faces that are super heroes tot every(prenominal)y made them better for me. I went into this movie wise(p) it was going to be one that I would enjoy. This year has had a few opposite super hero films such as The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. The Avengers released may 4th, 2012, was a box office hit, topping the charts for weeks. The Amazing Spider-Man was released just two months afterward on July 3rd.The super hero fan world was still in awe with The Avengers, myself included. I still wanted to watch The Amazing Spider-Man because I love super heroes. I give this movie 4. 5 stars kayoed of 5 stars. I just did non think Sony could top The Avengers. Both films far exceeded the expectations I had built up for them. The Amazing Spider-Man will never measure up to the sheer scale and epic action of The Avengers, more over it was still an action packed film. The p people for The Amazing Spider-Man is a different sort of theme altogether from that of The Avengers.The Amazing Spider-Man movie is not stressful to tell a different story than Sonys previous expedition into the Spider-Man realm, just simply a different spin on the story. The biggest question I asked myself was will the new story stand up against the previous trilogy. It is the story of Peter Parker, an average, though brilliant, teen trying to make it through high school. Peters begin, with his secretive work, caused both of his parents to disappear one night, leaving him with his aunt and uncle to be an orphan of sorts.He has since grown up, but he unexpectedly begins uncovering clues about his father and his work. This chance discovery of his dads old research into cross-species genetics sends Peter searching for clues at Oscorp, his fathers old employer. There, while he is snooping around, he accidentally comes into contact with a genetically engineered spider. Peters high school crush, Gwen Stacy interns alongside the brilliant, but disabled Curt Connors, who was his fathers closest associate before he disappeared. That introduction to Dr.Connors results in Connors and young Parker bonding over scientific theory. Peter hands over move of his fathers work that was thought to be lost. From there the experiments Dr. Connors has been working on are able to work, creating formulas and serums that allow rats to regrow their limbs. Things quickly spiral out of control. The doctor finds himself opposite Spider-Man before too long. In the middle of this conflict, there is a budding romance between Peter and the girl he has on the Q.T. admired for years. Andrew Garfield plays a fairly different Peter Parker than Tobey Maguire did.Despite being rather good-looking and decently dressed, he is more socially awkward, has zero friends and is more tactless around girls than Tobeys was. It feels more in chore with what I believe Peter Parker was like from the comics, although perhaps a bit more modern-day. The bottom line is that it just works. Peter is much more likable and feels much more fleshed out. It is not that Tobey Maguires Peter Parker was not executed well, it was. In the previous releases the story and characters in Raimis original three movies were all so idyllic.Everyone, in his movies, was a good person and no one made mistakes. The emotional dance step and serious nature of the story is not quite driven quite a little your throat as much in this film, thanks in large piece to the humor sprinkled liberally throughout the film. The drama comes from the Lizard, as he is known in the comics. The creature is at least eight to nine feet tall, with massive, retractable, razor-sharp claws, on the face of it unlimited strength and a powerful prehensile tail. Spider-Man fights it three or four times through the film, using his agility, speed and powerful webbing to in full advantage. An d he needs to.The Lizard is absolutely fearsome, cold-blooded, and terrifying. The Lizard is much more monster than super villain and the critical injuries constantly inflicted upon Peter made me venerate if this film should have been rated higher than PG-13. The action is very tense due to the violent nature of the villain, but that simply moves the plot line along. A lot of things help tell the story in this version, especially the budding romance between Parker and Gwen Stacy. His original girlfriend from the comics is cast as a very old(prenominal) teenager and becomes very likable when played by the talented Emma Stone.Gwen is an intern that works directly with Dr. Connors, further complicating the already intricate web of relationships in the story. Her family, only briefly shown are not very memorable, with special exception to her father, the Chief of Police. Dennis Leary, in this role, plays a dry, sarcastic, impatient man to perfection here, as he hunts down Spider-Man t o stop his string of vigilante crimes. Martin Sheen and Sally Field embody the loving, caring, wise Uncle Ben and Aunt May, respectively. This movie gives them both much more vitality and character than in the original series.Putting life into the movie took on an entirely different view with the special effects being among the best you can see in such a film. Notable praise goes to the films 3-D work. This is one of three films, the other two being Avatar and Prometheus, to be enter in and then released in 3-D, rather than filmed in 2-D and converted to 3-D. The CGI (computer-generated imagery) characters are animated brilliantly and move like they were alive. Spider-Man succeeds in hitting all of those strange poses that are his signature moves on the flashy covers of his comics.It helps add more comic authenticity that Garfield himself is very tall, nimble and lanky. All traits I think Maguire does not really possess, being a little shorter in stature and a bit more ripped and b ulky. If the film falls short in one category, it is the soundtrack, which I thought was serviceable, but not very memorable. All together it was better thought out film with more insight into Peters penury and his turmoil. Gone are the nerdy narrations from Tobey Maguire. Gone are the idyllic people populating the original franchise.Raimis Spider-Man bounced headlong into danger from the get-go to save the innocent and protect those who could not protect themselves. Webbs Spider-Man is not trying to save anyone so much as get revenge, until the point where he decides to save a boy detain in a burning car. His actions and heroics from then on, speak more volumes than the original three films combined. Peter feels responsible for protecting people because he both chooses to be and because has to be. That is what a super hero is made of. Therefore I give this movie 4. 5 stars out of 5 stars.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
City Road Essay
Another would be that pedestrians seem to be privilegeed more so than motorists. For representative the islands in the middle of the road, they are in that location to make crossing metropolis Road safer and more convenient to those who travel by foot. The island isnt just the concrete mound in the middle of the road, it also includes the paint on the ground around it which cars are not every(prenominal)owed to drive over. Again, the bollards that were erected along the pavements are there to favor pedestrians.The reason why they were put there is to stop vehicles parking areaing on the curbs, which was a problem before the bollards were put in place as the cars and lorries would park right over the pavements making it difficult for people to move past and leaving less space for people with prams or wheelchairs to go round. Some things favour different groups because they appeal to different groups. Take for example the Taste Buds Cafe one thing that struck me straight away wa s that the majority of the customers in there were predominantly female and mostly the older generation.They like to go in there because it appeals to them, it appeals to them because The price is reasonable- a lot of the customers will be drawing a pension so keeping costs down is important to them, They feel safe- because there are regulars who go there and they get familiar with one other and that gives the customers a sense of safety because they know what to expect and Mr Suarez the cafe owner avails in the feeling of safety through being consistent in the way in which he runs his business. Also the menu is all home cooked and this is important to his customers.Because of all these factors, Mr Suarezs cafe is geared more towards the older generation than the younger ones so in a sense it is favouring, although that isnt altogether a bad thing. Lastly I would mention the security cameras. They are positioned all over City Road and they are there for a number of reasons, one re ason is that a crime is less likely to be move in an area which has CCTV (which deters people from offending) and also it makes people in the area feel safer knowing that these things are in place to not only aid in the catching of the people who commit the crimes but also that it is part of crime prevention too.CCTV is important on City Road because it does make the ingleside feel that little bit safer, a lot of them feel that the road is a bit rough and not the sort of place you would like to walk down at night, even though the local policeman denies that there is a problem with crime in the area.People just perceive it to be a crime hotspot, despite having little to no experience of any serious crimes having taken place on the road. Most of the material things on City Road favour one group over another but some inadvertently and some deliberately, the issue with the busses for example is inadvertent. They are not measuredly designed to be inconvenient to a certain
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Brain Drain in Puerto Rico
PUERTO RICO BRAIN DRAIN CRISIS DANIEL VILLAFANE BUSN 5000 WEBSTER UNIVERSITY Abstract read/write head peter out refers to the large(p)-scale emigration of a large base of talented, skilled and knowledgeable individuals. This situation is also commonly referred to as human capital flight. Globally, near generals factors contribute to this situation. Puerto anti-racketeering law has his own distinctive factors. Puerto anti-racketeering law has a special relation, and a unique political status with unify States that make it easier for islanders to find an opportunity in the longest field of the world.A concise timeline go forth show how and when Puerto anti-racketeering law became an asset to unify States. Remember, in financial accounting, assets are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. While Puerto Rico suffer a brain drain o f human capital emigrating the server country enjoy a brain gain. Timeline of Puerto Rico and United States Relationship since the Spanish-the Statesn War 1898 -The SpanishAmerican War whereby Spain relinquished its sovereignty over Puerto Rico. 1900. The Foraker set established the governing structure for the island of Puerto Rico. 1917-The Jones Act granted U. S. citizenship to all residents of Puerto Rico. 1947- Operation Bootstraps Operacion Manos a la Obra based on an exemption for federal taxes, section 931 of the U. S. cozy Revenue Code. Provided for exemptions of federal taxes for corporation operating in P. R. Puerto Rico entered a period of rapid industrialization and strong economic growth. (Carrion, 2009) 1952- Proclaimed the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 963-Industrial inducement Act, Section 931, increased the period of exemptions for 17 years. Puerto Rico became an important Center for the petro-chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. (Carrion, 2009) 1976- Sec tion 931 changes to a more financially attractive Section 936. In 1991 corporations accounted for 72 percent of manufacturing jobs in Puerto Rico. (Barbosa, 2010) 1993-2000 Governor Pedro Rosello and Resident Commissioner Romero Barcelo lobbying in Washington against the Section 936 because they consider it as an obstacle to change the political status for the island and wrick the 51st State. 1993-President Bill Clinton proposed to eliminate Section 936 periodically during the next ten years. Economy start to decline and corporations stopped investing and start preparing to leave the island. Thousands of employees lost their jobs during this period. 1994-North America Free Trade Agreement NAFTA makes Mexico and Canada more attractive to corporations. 2005- Sections 936 and 30A expiration of the tax incentives. 2006- The commonwealths population had a steeper loss than any of the 50 states since 2006, according to the number Bureau. Nasser, 2012) General factors contributing to a brain drain situation globally There are some common denominators that provoke a large group of talented, skilled and knowledgeable individuals to emigrate. Some of these situations are well known as causes of heading Drain. Many times high scholastic scores are recruited to reflect abroad. Upon concluding their studies, these individuals stay in the countries where they were educated. In several occasions individuals emigrate because the income is substantially higher(prenominal).Countries like United States and others well developed nations offer a great diversity of careers and major possibilities of advancement. Last but not least, there is another driving factor know as the standards of living. Factors contributing to a brain drain in Puerto Rico Several factors identify causes of this emigration in Puerto Rico. First, the University of Puerto Ricos excellent programs of engineering, science and nursing. Recruiters for companies such as Boeing and Disney, NASA and other U. S. government agencies, train districts and hospitals from Texas to Florida flock to career fairs. Add that these students are bilingual do not need a passport, visa or government permission to work stateside, and its hap why theyre a hot commodity, even in a down economy (Nasser, 2012). Second, unemployment is still above 14%, compared with 8. 3% nationally (U. S. Bureau of sweat Statistics , 2013). Third, more than 20% of Hispanics in Puerto Rico have a bachelors degree. When you go to a job fair (in Puerto Rico), there are thousands of candidates (Nasser, 2012). Finally, it is a reality that four-year-old slew and families are leaving primarily for jobs, but also and sadly to get away from a spike in crime.Negative effects This crisis is bringing some negatives effects in the short run as well as in the long run. Puerto Ricos median age will a lot older, as young people are leaving. This human capital flying situation also means that the best and brightest of your country a re building individual elses society. Confusion and skepticism are created when political leaders doubt the reliability of their own citizens and become frightened when valuable workers and capital fleas their country in wide numbers.Eventually this country, Puerto Rico in this case, could lose all of its inner strength due to scarcity of skilled domestic workforce. An a multiplier effect Multi National companies credibly will avoid coming to Puerto Rico due to lack of capable workforce. It also put detrimental impact on the development of basic infrastructure. citizenry in the affected country suffer due to unavailability of doctors and engineers. Basically, brain drain makes a county hollow from inside and it is curse for developing nations (The Gemini Geek, 2013). Brain gainThe brain drain that can causes damages to the economy ad future of one country could be the gold opportunity to another host country to flourish. This phenomenon is known as brain gain and is considered fo r many as a key time for a few cities to get ahead (Dimick, 2012). According to an obligate in the Smart City Web Newspaper one of the city with more benefits for this brain gain is San Antonio, Texas. Unlike much of the rest of the country, San Antonio is rapidly gaining 25-plus-year-olds with college educations and it is occurrence fast.The change began in 2008 prior to then, when looking at top metros for attracting college-educated talent, San Antonio was nowhere to be found. Of the top 100 metros in the U. S. , San Antonio ranks as number six in brain gain those over the age of 25 with a bachelors degree or advanced degree who have moved to the city. To put one across the full potential of a talent economy, as Pittsburgh has done, San Antonio will need to produce talent. It shows you how important our universities are and how the decades ahead are so important to mature to even greater promise. SCM, RSS 2013) These stolen minds have flourished and become some of the most su ccessful people in America 1. Judge Sonia Sotomayor is the first Latina to sit on the United States Supreme Court. 2. Dr. Antonia Coello Novello is a pediatrician who served as the 14th Surgeon General of the United States from 1990 to 1993. 3. Dr. Edwin Muniz M. D. , Ph. D. and Ed. D. , was the first person of Hispanic heritage to be named Aerospace Physiologist in the United States Air Force and NASA. 4. Angel Rivero Mendez (18561930) was a soldier and businessman who is credited with inventing the Kola Champagne a soft drink. . Joseph Michael Joe Acaba is a teacher, hydrogeologist, and the first Puerto Rican NASA astronaut. 6. Pierre Omidyar of France founded Ebay 7. Sergey Brin of Russia co-founded Google. 8. Jerry Yang of mainland China co-founded Yahoo. FACTS From 2005-2012 more than 400,000 people from Puerto Rico left for the U. S. During the same time, just over 160,000 people came to Puerto Rico from the U. S. Finally, the people who left Puerto Rico had higher levels of e ducation than the people who came back = brain drain.The completely opposite is happening in San Antonio according to the following extract from the report The Brain Gain The Rise of San Antonios talent Economy, Smart City Memphis (2013). the same situation in San Antonio. The trend of return migration began in the suburban rings around cities. As parents did well in their two-degree households, they direct their children away to the best college they could get into. Once they finished school, the children left for life-sized cities like Chicago and New York and these children of educated homes didnt just go to big cities, they excelled. At some point, perhaps for family issues or a desire to start a family, these people came home, observed Russell. Im seeing this trend incite across the United States and theres a major migration shift going on. When they move back, they dont move back to the suburbs, they have acquired a taste while away for urban neighborhoods. When they come back to San Antonio, shared Russell, they seek out the neighborhoods that remind them of D. C. or Brooklyn. (SCM, RSS 2013) Achieving equality through a higher education should be the goal of every vanguardist government.References Barbosa, P. M. (2010, 06 15). Pedro M. Rosario Barbosas Blog. Retrieved from Quien Asesino la Seccion 936? Who Killed Section 936? http//pmrb. net/blog Carrion, M. E. (2009, 01 07). Puerto Rico Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Operation Bootstrap http//www. enciclopediapr. org Dimick, I. (2012, 11 16). UTSA Alumni Association. Retrieved from The Key to Continued Brain Gain Specialized Higher Education http//therivardreport. com Nasser, H. E. (2012, 3 11). Puerto Ricos population exodus is all about jobs. Retrieved from USA TODAY/News http//usatoday30. satoday. com Smith, C. (2013). Brain Drain Crisis. San Juan, Puerto Rico El Nuevo Dia. Staff, C. O. (2012, March 12). caribbeanbusinesspr. com. Retrieved from Caribbean Business http//www. caribbeanbusinesspr. com The Gemini Geek. (2013). What are effects of Brain Drain for a country? Retrieved from The Gemini Geek. Geek redefined http//www. thegeminigeek. com U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . (2013). States Unemployment Rates. Retrieved from Puerto Rico Unemployment Rates http//www. unemployment-rate. org/states/unemployment_rate/Puerto_Rico
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Negotiation in Action
Negotiation in Action One of my most substantial accomplishments is that I learned significant concepts and principles of dialogue during the course. Negotiation process and a variety of tactics that I learned in class or through the textbook, Getting to Yes, were definitely helpful for upward(a) my understanding of dialogue and its strategy. Another important accomplishment is that I have learned what I couldnt have learned from lectures or textbooks through dialog simulations.I prepared a lot for each negotiation and well-tried to follow the strategy that I had set up in advance. After negotiations, I tried to identify what worked, what didnt and how I could improve next time. I have kept a list of successes and mistakes and I have eventually become to a greater extent confident in a variety of negotiation situations. While negotiating, I have been more like a soft positional negotiator who emphasizes the immenseness of building and maintaining a better relationship, trying n ot to hurt others feelings.My unique set of negotiation skills are ? polite, despotic and active attitude, ? a good listener and ? thinking of the others position. During the process of negotiation simulations, I have always tried to listen more actively and agnize more carefully what is being said by the partner. If I pay attention more, the partner will also feel the satisfaction of being perceive and understood. However, I realized that I need to balance my position better according to different situations.I have learned that constructively initiating positional bargaining is indwelling and approaching to solutions according to my position is more effective in negotiation process. In addition, I have learned not only that negotiating with partners cooperatively and competitively is one of the most significant factors for winning negotiation but that cultivating good relationships for the future is very important as well. To do so, I need to effectively manage emotions in d isputes and favorably understand cultural differences.I would like to set two top priority goals for my future negotiation. One is that, thinking about a variety of tactics such as BATNA, ZOPA, and etc. , I will always try to find an optimal solution, which is win-win for both sides, instead of arguing over my position and pursuing only my own interests. The other priority is that I will establish healthy personal and professional relationships in my life, having a positive and active attitude, understanding people, appreciating their wants, identifying their needs and learning about their background and what makes them who they are.Recommendation Letter I strongly recommend this course. This course is designed to cover the range of negotiation situations and issues faced by managers and decision makers. This course explores negotiations in many contexts simple personal transactions, public and private sector collective bargaining, resolving disputes. I was able-bodied to develop tactics and strategies for becoming an effective negotiator and have confidence in the ability to analyze negotiations in a variety of contexts and to conduct successful negotiations.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The market segmentation
trade place class is the dish up of identifying merchandises and then dividing those markets into groups. The groups consist of characteristics that atomic number 18 equivalent and they have similar increase necessarily. The groups do-nothing consist of people or organizations.A market consists of people or organizations that have similar needs of a crossway, have the ability, willingness and authority to buy crossways. There ar two oddballs of markets the consumer market and the organizational or concern market. The purpose of the consumer market is to supply goods and services to the customers for their own benefit and not for sale. The organizational or occupancy markets atomic number 18 markets that are business oriented such as the products in the markets are usually exchange thus the businessmen sell them for a profit.The reason behind the dividing the market is to identify groups of customers who have similar tastes and preferences, to understand the custome rs behavior so that the right kind of goods are delivered to them and to ensure that the right marketing strategies are place so as to ensure that the different preferences chosen to satisfy the needs of the customers If a product foundation be from a particular company whose speak to of advertising is base thus it groundwork be in a position to boost sales of a company since the cost of maintaining it is low and their returns can increase with time..Successful market division is one that has the following characteristics segment members that are internally the selfsame(prenominal) and externally different or heterogeneous.The market can be segmented based on whether it is a consumer market or an industry or business market. In the customer market the basis of naval division is based on vari commensurates such as the geographical, demographic, and psychographic and the behavioristic variables. The psychographic sectionalization is a segmentation that is used to let on the customers in terms of their activities, opinions, emotions, values, motivations and lifestyles.These enables the producers of the products to know which product are beneficial to the customers in terms of their preferences and tastes. The application of this segmentation enables the manufactures to cleanse on their mode of developing their products, brand positioning, targeting and advertising so that the sales volume of the product can increase and this can result in greater returns for the company.The demographic segmentation involves classifying people who stick to from the same geographic boundaries and those who possess the same goals for example in a banking industry the introduction of automatonlike teller machines can enhance efficiency in the business because it can enable the customers to access specie quickly and to enable them complete transactions promptly since the machine is located in a outrank where customers are many hence the service delivery process is effic ient for this customers.Geographical segmentation refers to dividing segments based on their region of the world, country surface and density of the area. In the rural areas we have products such as the floriculture equipment and material because they are mostly used at that place while the urban centers consists of products that have been produced and manufactured and are ready for consumption since the residents there do not have land to cultivate products for consumption for themselves and for their children.The market can be segmented in the industrial market using the following variables Location, company type and the behavioral characteristics.In case of the location variable the businessmen consider this factor seriously because the distance among where the source of the product is made and the market can be too big such that the cost of transportation can be too high for the businessmen to afford and thus render the market to be unprofitable thus this issue should be add ressed so that it can be eliminated in the future. .In case of company type segment the customers can be classified according to the company size, industry, decision-making and the buy criteria. The customers can prefer a commodity based on how well the product has been in the market and whether the industry in which it is produced is known because customers tend to accept a product, which has been in the market for a abundant time. (Steenkamp and Ter Hofstede 2002)The behavioral characteristics in the industrial market are usage rate means the frequency in which a product is consumed if it is high it means that its demand is high thus it supply is likely to be high for example goods such as the consumables such as salt ,sugar there is a likelihood of being demand many times because people cannot stay without them, buying status that is customers who regularly consume a product can make the target market to perform in effect because of their consistency in purchasing their produ cts.The procedure of purchasing the product is also determined such as the sealed bids or negotiated procedure. In the sealed bid procedures customers purchase a product based on the price tags of the product this type of segmentation is important to consider since it enables the produce to always have sufficient stock of the product so as to avoid stock outs.The criteria that are used in identifying a market segment is that it moldiness be identifiable that is a customer must be in a position to recognize the segment that is appropriate for them since customers tend to consume a product on the basis of how they have the product in the market and its quality. It must be accessible that is the segment must be inside the reach of the customers thus the communication and distribution channels must be amend so that the product reaches the customers within the given period of time that the marketers must advertise their products so that customers can be made aware of the existence of t he product..The segments must be substantial that is they must be boastfully enough so that the resources that are used to avail them to the customers are cost effective that is the cost of product should not be too costly that is the cost of product should not be too bigger as compared to the revenue that is derived from them. The marketing needs must be unique so that they can be in position to capture a wider market so that customer can be able to change to the new brand in the market and thus increase the sales volume. The segments must be stable so that the cost of maintaining the product is not too high than the returns that are derived from it.Industrial market segmentation is a segmentation that is used in guiding the industrial and business customers in their decision-making strategies. The goal of these segmentation is to identify the customers in terms of whether they are potential customers so that their behavior can be identified so as to enable the marketers to ident ify the important issues that affect them directly .The factors that can affect them are the prices, programs or solutions that can enable the company to increase their returns within a given period of time.( Haas, R.W. and Wotruba, T.R. 1983).Targeting refers to process of identifying segments that need to be addressed. The companies tend to choose some segments and to downplay other segment because their aim is to pick up for segments that produce as much returns to the company as possible. The target market involves people such as the end user companies procurement managers, company houses contracting companies and the external sales agents.Target audience involves individuals that influence the purchasing decision but they do not buy the product such individuals involves design engineers, architects, project managers, and the available managers. The target markets can be identified by looking at customers who have similar needs so that the produces can channel their efforts to products that are beneficial to the customers and they suit their tastes and preferences.Positioning involves advertising the product value to customers so as to increase the products sales volume. Positions are described using various variables and using parameters that are meaty to a customer. The customers position a product in relation to the brand or product that is within their reach. Thus it is important for the marketers to conduct a research about how the customers rate different products and their marketing variables so that they can increase their sales volume. The markers need to improve on their marketing variables so that they can improve on their marketing strategies because the customers can determine the success of the business. The marketers should set up strategies which are geared to having a portfolio that can ensure that their product compete with.Positioning involves how people perceive a product that is in the market. The products or services provide a map that enables the marketers to identify which characteristics can be compared and contrasted to another product that is competing with it so as to put in place mechanisms that will enable them to compete effectively with their rivals. food market segmentation is consequently necessary because it enables markets of different sizes to compete effectively since markets are divided based on their segments thus the scummy companies can be able to compete with the bigger companies since their scale of production is limited due to their size and the shelves where goods are displayed can not be in a position to accommodate all kinds of goods different the big companies whose economies of scale is high due to their size.REFERENCESApproaches, (1980) Marketing Science Institute, Working Paper 80-105 Cambridge,Mass.Haas, R.W. and Wotruba, T.R. (1983). Marketing forethought Concepts, PracticeAnd Cases. Pleno, Texas Business Publications, Inc.Kotler, P. (1976) Marketing Management (3rd. Ed.). New Jersey Prentice Hall.McKenna, R. (1988) Marketing in the Age of conversion, Harvard Business Review,Vol 66, September-October.Pine, J. (1993) Mass Customizing Products and Services, Planning Review, Vol 22, July-August,Steenkamp and Ter Hofstede (2002)International Market Segmentation issues andPerspectives, Interns of Market Research Vol19, 185-285Wedel, Michael and Wagner A.Kamakura (2000) Market Segmentation Conceptual andMethodological Foundations Amsterdam Kluwer
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Why Did a Campaign for Women’s Suffrage Develop After 1870?
Wo hands treasured to voting so that they could make water more respect from men, they desired the right to be able to make a difference to the way the area was run. Their views were that they lived in the country therefor they had the rights to select for the laws they have to obey. Women wanted to have to opportunity to vote for MPs that support have-to doe with rights, giving women a ruin lifespan. Women wanted to be able to change the divorce law as afterwarfaredward marriage the humanness boosted e rattlingthing and the womanish was left with nonhing.Women craved an education correspond to men, so that they can undertake more responsible, independent well compensable jobs, that they could not for fill without an education. There were many an(prenominal) areas of inequality against women. The divorce law is a string example of this. The men even had legal rights to the children if they had any, even though the womans job was to look after the children, piece the male was at work. So when the divorce takes place the Man still goes to work, and has to leave the children at home without a mother. Women strongly mat that equality was a basic and natural human right.During the 1800s many more men had gained the vote, men with possible less resulting influence than any(prenominal) women had. Women werent just idea of themselves, they felt that their education they could bring about better childcare and housing. This would benefit everyone. Their were many reasons why women campaigned for the vote, one of them beingness that women had to obey the laws as did the men still they had no say through political representatives on what they abided by. Women knew that as long as they had no vote, they had no respect, and as long as they had no respect, they were being paid less.The political inequalities greatly effected wo mens affable strength, and their economical federal agency. Women felt that politics had take downed the home, though law , therefor women should enter politics. Women found it disgusting that they were being taxed without being represented. They had to pay for the government to go against what they women believe in. All elevation jobs are not available to females, as they are seen as inferior. This means that opportunities in public life are denied. Generally women have a closer relationship with the children than the males do, as they look after them while the men work.Therefore women know what is better for the children, and their microscope stage of view was not considered as they had know social status. The campaign for womens suffrage started from 1870 onwards was because of a number of reasons. In 1853 Florence Nightingale bought nursing to the public midriff as a respectable occupation that women could embark on without being criticised. Women showed much en and theniasm to repair and become more experienced in the profession of nursing and medicine. Florence showed initiative and responsib ility that had not been shown in women before.This was an example of some progress that occurred in the 1800s, but there were still many areas of inequality. In 1870 the unify womens property act was enforced, allowing women to keep i200 of their own earnings. This may not sound much but silver was worth much more in these times. This was the start of many changes that age women a more equal post in high society. In 1873 a law was imposed allowing women to see their children if they got divorced. This gave them closer relationships with their children, and they would have been looked after better as the men go out to work.In 1884 married women were no longer considered will power of their husbands, this meant more respect in society as they were seen as state rather than belongings. Womens role little by little become more influential as new jobs became open to women such as teaching, civil operate work and secretarial work had just taken off due to the invention of the type writer and telephone. I whole tone the first real rights given to women were that they were allowed to keep i200 of their own earning. This gave women inspiration, as they knew then, that they could use that money to possibly peck out an education or to start a business.This also let them know that they do have some rights and they are improving. I also believe that a key change in favour of womens rights is The tick Girls strike. They demanded better pay and conditions, and the publicity forced the company to improve them. I feel that women decided to fetch campaigning in 1900 was because of the changes that occurred, women were being given better opportunities so they felt that they had an opportunity to use this opening to carry on the development to equal rights. Q2 Describe the Ways in Which the Methods of the Suffragists and the Suffra clingtes Were DifferentThe Suffragettes and the Suffragists were two female dominated groups, who were very alike in principle but emplo y very opposite methods of persuasion. The Suffragists (NUWSS) were a peaceful, law-abiding group. They did not demand the vote for all women but wanted to be on equal footing with men. The first women to join the NUWSS were well-educated, middle-class women, but in the 1890s many milling machinery girls wanted to gain the vote, raise their wages and their living and working conditions joined the movement. By 1900 the female cotton workers were the highest paid milling machinery workers in Britain.The Suffragists use their resources and qualifications within the movements members to produce banners, postcards and posters. The Suffragettes (WSPU) used totally different forms of propaganda. The suffragettes had one aim to gain political equality with men. The WSPU was formed on the 13th October 1905 when two women in Manchester were thrown out of a Liberal meeting for shouting for womens votes. They were arrested outside the meeting for hitting and spitting at policemen. This was q uite typical for the Suffragettes as they tried to get publicity though dangerous stunts.The plans of the Suffragettes were very different to those of the Suffragists, as they would get publicity at any cost. They deliberately got arrested for crimes such as arson, window smashing and bombing. When they were in lag for their crimes they often went on hunger strike so they had to be force-fed. The Suffragettes made it clear that they would not hold the havoc they were causing unless their demands were met. Types of leadership were key to the actions of the movements. Millicent Fawcett saw her role as a co-ordinator she didnt consider herself to be in charge but to give the effort of the other Suffragists some guidance.She made it clear that the Suffragists used non-violent methods of persuasion to gain the analogous voting rights as men. The Suffragettes were led in a very different manor, Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters led the movement forcefully. They were said to have ru led like dictators not listening to others, and not thinking of the consequences of their actions, purely concentrating on their battle for suffrage. The Suffragettes were based in London where all the parliament buildings are based, hence when they wanted to protest they could do so, and MPs would see and realise how grave they were.I feel that the Suffragists were a group for women who supported womens rights to vote enough to want to make a difference and get manifold but not enough to get arrested or even killed like some of the Suffragettes. The suffragettes were the most powerful organisation and used their image to gain popularity and respects with men. They achieved this by calling off all their fundamental petitions whilst the war was on. This gained them respect and also gave them a chance to prove themselves that they cared for the country. They proved they could do the aforesaid(prenominal) jobs, to the same standard if not better than the men could.An achievement by both organisations is that by 1900 over half(prenominal) the MPs said they wanted women to have the vote. Though much securely campaigning womens suffrage took many more years to achieve their original aims but they both did. Suffragists using a much more received form of propaganda such as posters etc, but they Suffragettes use much more extreme and extravagant forms. They not only showed that they wanted equal rights but they showed how much they wanted them. They went to many extremes just to gain what they very strongly believed in.Q3 Why Did Many People Oppose Giving Women the Right To Vote Many passel opposed giving the women the right to vote because they feared what the women might do, if they had as much power as men did. Many population believed that if women had gained equal rights they would not stop and they would want to take complete control. Some contemporaries strongly believed that women would not vote responsibly but would be influenced by how someone loo ks rather than the serious political issues of the day. This relates to the lack of womens education, many people believed that a womans place was at home.Most girls did not go to school, the only education women had was to set them up for marriage, to be able to run a household. Many people could not take women seriously because of this and women were looked upon as inferior to men. People also thought that women were too ill-considered and emotional to make sound judgements. Men and women were thought of to be very different. They should fulfil different roles in life. Men should live in the world of politics and work, and women in the world of the home. Women were the weaker sex, they could not be asked to push for their country.Therefore, because they are not asked to risk losing their lives during the war, they were not citizens in the fullest sense. The campaign for womens suffrage had been, hijacked by a small, forge but unrepresentative minority of feminists. At bottom, m ost women did not really care whether they had the right to vote or not. Middle-class women would use political rights to develop their careers and neglect their domestic duties. Also, if the educated delayed having families or did not have them at all, a larger proportion of babies would be born to socially undesirable elements. The terra firma would suffer.To give the vote to women would almost certainly lead to a certain extension for men and thus enfranchise unskilled, rootless and generally undesirable people. Basically women were inferior to men, but men feared that women would have their strike back if they gained enough power to do so, men feared for their futures. Women were inexperienced and if they had the right to vote, they would not use their ability correctly, as they cannot research anything into the subject because of their lack of education. However, men had more experience so they could make well-informed and acute decisions.The suffragettes did not made life easier for women. They just made women look crazy, stupid and incapable of making innate(predicate) decisions. Queen Victoria did not think women should have had the right to vote. This was because she thought that there was no point in changing society, because she was happy with the way it was working, and she thought that mens decisions were intelligent enough. Women had no key role in society, they were childlike, inferior and incapable of making decisions, which could change the future for the whole country, was it worth the risk?Women had no education to prove themselves, and those who did had very little. If women could not prove themselves to their country, how were they supposed to make an impact on society? It was very hard for women to change the way in which people were thinking, women had to look and act intelligent so that people could see that they were just as clever as men. The only reason women had such a bad reputation was because many women worked at home cleani ng and looking after the family. This is still an primal role, if women were given the same education as men, they would be just as intelligent, the just never had the same opportunities.I believe that the lack of womens education was the most important factor of why many people did not want to let women have the right to vote. Women were set a bad status, and it would be hard to overcome this and try to act as if they were as intelligent as men were. It would be very hard for women to prove themselves. Question 4 I agree that women over 30 gained the vote in 1918 mainly because of womens contribution to the war effort. Within the womens suffrage movement response to the war varied enormously. Mrs Fawcett told members of the NUWSS, Women your country needs you.Many members became involved in war relief work. However not all members wanted to do war work. Some were pacifists who totally disagreed with fighting and war. Mrs Pankhurst, her daughter Christabel and members of the WSPU s topped campaigning and threw themselves into the war effort. aid he government with recruiting and propaganda. Many middle-class and upper class women became nurses and worked directly with the army. Some of these women had the chance t work abroad others worked in military hospitals in Britain. Some of these women found life hard, they were not used to working and the shifts night and day were long.VAD was the Voluntary Aid Detachment, these women worked unpaid until 1915. After this they received i20 a year, but had to pay for their uniforms. Some men opposed to women in mens jobs. They were worried that women doing the same job for less wages meant that when the war was over women would be kept on. To avoid this trade, unions made agreements with the government and employers to protect mens jobs and wages. Despite the hostility women entered all kinds of work, which before the war was thought to be unsuitable for women.Before the war the only jobs for women in transport were as cleaners, attendants and clerks. However, during the war they became bus and train conductors, railway ticket collectors, head women and porters. 900,000 women were involved in making shells, guns and aircraft. This was dangerous work, using poisonous substances and explosives. At least 300 women died in the munitions factories from the explosions. This shows how devoted women were to their country. Munitions workers were one of the best-paid jobs during the war with wages up to i5 a week.Women were encouraged to help out on farms, to keep the country supplied with food. They worked 10-12 hours a day and did not earn as much as factory women. They could join one of three sections of the land army-agriculture, timber cutting and forage. Women in agriculture would tend sheep, pick potatoes, hoeing, ploughing, help with harvest work and work on the harvest gardens. Women on the land would live on the farm and usually had to pay for their food and lodging. They had to sign up for eith er 6 months or a year and were not allowed to leave without special permission.After the war the old voting system had to be changed to allow men locomote from the war to be able to vote. The law said that all voters essential have lived in the country for over 12 months before voting, so women argued that whilst making changes to allow the returning heroes to vote. It would be a good time to add women to the list of voters. The war had shaken the whole body structure of society- the working classes lost some respect for the rich, many people had died or lost relatives, the whole of europium was insecure. 1918 was therefore a time for change or starting afresh.I believe that the work, which women did during the war pull in them a lot of respect and this definitely helped them win the right to vote. Women proved to society that they could be intelligent and reliable if the were given the chance. They proved that if they had more power they could help the country and they would ma ke a heavy(p) difference in the way in which the society was run. The womens movements before the war helped to raise awareness of the situation of women, this helped their cause, also politicians realised that the violent campaigning would have been renewed if they did not recognise womens rights.
Waltham Motors Division
Question 1 Using cipher data, how many motors would have to be exchange for Waltham Motors sectionalisation to breakeven? In order to calculate the breakeven point, we use the following equation and figure data Breakeven Sales* unit legal injury-Unit Variable Cost= Fixed Costs Breakeven=Fixed CostsUnitary Price-Unitary Variable Cost Breakeven point=260,00086 cd0/18000-512800/18000=13,226 units Q2. Using budget data, what was the wide expected cost per unit if all manufacturing and shipping overhead (both variable star and fixed) was allocated to planned performance? What was the positive per unit cost of production and shipping?The results for the total expected cost/unit with budget data is Expected Cost/Unit= Manufacturing Overhead(variable and not variable)+Shipping Overhead of Units= =484,000+148,000+28,80018,000=$36. 71/unit The results for the total expected cost/unit with actual data is 404,000+149,200+28,00014,000=$41,51/unit Q3. Comment on the performance line and th e plant accountants analytic thinking of results. How, if at all, would you suggest the performance report be changed in the first place sending it on to the division manager and Marco Corporation headquarters?The accountant is making a lifesize mistake by comparing absolute numbers from Budgeted cost and revenues with Actual costs, since the actual number of units sold is less than the Budgeted bar. Therefore, a more detailed analysis must be done, and calculate the costs per unit, as Table 1 demos Table 1 From this new data on Table 1, we can denounce the following observations about the accountants scuttle exclusivelyts * The only cost that was underestimated (Favourable = F) is the Indirect work, so the first comment about being under budget on every single cost except for inadvertence is wrong. The operating income has decreased, which is expected given the decrease in number of motors sold (4. 000), but based on the report we still cannot tell whether that is the only reason. This also leads to a difference between the actual expenditure ($49) and the budgeted outlay ($48). * The current static budget carrys to be changed into a flexible budget so the budgeted data can be recorded taking into account the actual units produced, that is, 14. 000 units. Q4. Prepare your own analysis of the Waltham Divisions operations in May.Explain in as much detail as accomplishable why income differed from what you would have expected. As suggested in Question3, a new Flexible budget is calculated, so direct it is possible to calculate the random variables between the Flexible budget and the Actual Results and Static budget we had before. The data is show below in Table 2 Table 2 From this table we can see how the reproving Static budget variate = 98400 seen in the accountants Performance Report is now shared out into the Flexible budget variance = 20. 356$ (2) and the Sales volume variance = 78. 44$ (3) Flexible budget variance is the difference between the actual result and the corresponding flexible-budget amount. This variance is subdivided into * Sales variance $14. 000 Favourable. This is due to a higher price charged for the motors (49$ instead of the 48$ budgeted), maybe be actor of changes in prices of the competitors as well. * Variable costs variance is uncomplimentary by $27. 556, the different components of this variance are * accost Material variance Unfavourable by of $1. 00, we need to find out whether this is due to Price and/or Efficiency variance. The accountant indicates that the actual price for direct materials is $5. 7/unit (5% less than budgeted), but the budgeted price was $6/unit. On the opposite hand, the standard quantity is 14. 000 units maculation the actual quantity is 85. 400/5. 7=14982. 45 units, therefore * Price variance = $89. 894,75 $85. 400 = $4494. 76 Favourable. This reflects the company saved money with the decreased prices of newfangled materials * Efficiency mutation = $84. 00-$89. 894,76 = $5894,76 Unfavourable. Since this amount is larger than the Favourable amount of the Price variance, we can conclude that the overall unfavourable 1. 400$ Direct material balance is due to Efficiency Variance. There are many reasons that might cause this inefficiency coming from the production manager or the purchase manager, such as unstable quality of the raw materials bought (which were cheaper after all), or waste of these during the production process. * Direct Labour variance Unfavourable by $22. 000.Again, we need to find out whether this is Price and/or efficiency driven. We know that according to the accountant information, the actual price is $16,4/unit while the Standard price is $16/unit. On the other hand, the Standard Quantity is 14. 000 units while the actual Quantity is 246. 000/16,4=15. 000 units. Therefore * Price Variance = 240. 000-246. 000 = $6000 Unfavourable. This reflects the increase in medical benefits noted by the accountant. * Efficiency Varianc e = 224. 000-240. 000 = $16. 000 Unfavourable.The accountant does not mention anything that can tell for sure the reasons for this lack of efficiency, so we can only guess some reasons such as a change in the bear on force to an unskilled one. * Idle Time and Cleanup Time Unfavourable by $3. 000 + $1. 600 respectively, might be due to different reasons such as low efficiency in the cleanup process, or blighted shape of the machines used to manufacture the motors that turned into a lot of unclouded time compared to the one budgeted. The idle time must be monitored since it can lead to further decrease of Labour efficiency. Indirect Labour and Miscellaneous supplies Favourable by $400 + $40 respectively, might be due to many reasons but the amounts are too small to make up for the unfavourable amounts found in the rest of the variable costs. It might be a coincidence, but there was a favourable Price efficiency for Direct Material, so maybe the Purchasing department is doing a good job. * Fixed costs variance * care unfavourable by $1. 200 might be due to low efficiency of the supervising supply as noted in the accountant comments. * Shipping costs variance Unfavourable by $5. 00 in all probability because of additional shipping due to bad quality of products that have to be returned and shipped again, or just because of bad efficiency in the shipment process by not using full capacity of transportation. Sales-volume variance it is the difference between the flexible-budget amounts and the static budget and it arises solely because of the difference between the actual quantity of motors produced and the amount budgeted (expected) to be produced by the company. In this case there is a variance of $78. 044, and we can assume it is because of the report contract that was lost.
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